Monday, August 16, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
A New Season at Skin Essentials
Dear Client,
A new time has come for the three of us at Skin Essentials, as well as for me personally. After having Axel over a year ago, and really since I was a teenager thinking about being a mom, I have had the desire to stay home with my children to raise and teach them. This is especially important to me and my husband during these early years in our family. As many of you know, I am due with our second child in October. We will then have two under the age of two; Axel will be 19 months when the second is born. I am going to have my hands full, I know! I have been blessed tremendously by being in a position to make my own schedule and work when and how much I want. At this time in my life, working just a little bit has been good for me, but I will admit, that my heart is at home with my children. Owning a business has been so great for all of these years, but it is time for my life to take a new direction. It is because of these changes in my life that I have decided to sell the business. Lillian and I have agreed to transfer ownership to her beginning August 1, 2010.
Though I am excited to begin this new journey into full time motherhood, I do feel a sense of sadness as I have become friends with many of you. The treatment table is a special place. We have had many times talking about all kinds of life experiences, some sad and many happy. Not only have I provided skin care services for you, but you have provided me with a rich experience of conversation and friendship. Through cancer and death, the birth of children and grandchildren, marriage and divorce, we have shared real moments as well as many lighthearted moments. We have laughed and even cried on occasion. I have felt so gifted by your support of my business endeavors as so many of you have faithfully chosen to call Skin Essentials your home for skin care and waxing. I cannot express how much that means to me by a simple "Thank You". I am so grateful for your commitment to me in that way.
I have told many of you that it was not my plan to leave when my children came, and, really, it was not. But I do have to admit that I had always hoped someone I could trust would come along and be in the position to take over. I just never thought the opportunity would present itself the way that it did. I did not want to just hand over my valued clients to a stranger who may or may not care about you the way I do. Lillian came along at just the right time. She and I both feel that God had his hand on the situation the whole time. It has worked out so well. I am thankful for her and the desire that she has to serve you. I trust that Lillian will do her best to provide excellent service to you. I feel that she is qualified to provide great facials, waxing, massage and all the other services that Skin Essentials provides.
I am so grateful to have had Jackie and Lillian along side of me to take care of you and your needs, while I have spent so much time away from the shop this last year and a half. I want to thank them both for being so trustworthy that I have not had to worry that you were being taken care of. I would not have been able to maintain this business without them, once Axel was born. Like the last four years, Jackie will still be available to serve your needs right alongside Lillian. I am sure that the atmosphere that Lillian provides at Skin Essentials will be a great refreshment as she takes ownership and tailors Skin Essentials to meet your needs, even more than it has these last 5 years. I am sure you will be hearing from her soon about her excitement and optimism for the future of your skin care at Skin Essentials.
If you have not met Lillian, or have not received a service from her, I urge you to call and schedule an appointment soon. She would love to meet you and give you the experience of her touch and expertise. If you have any concerns or requests for her about how she performs a service that you are used to receiving from me, please do not hesitate to talk with her about it. She welcomes any input you have and looks at it as an opportunity to grow and serve you in the best way she can. I understand that change can be difficult, believe me, (I am going through a bit of it myself. It is hard for me to let go of what has been my "baby" for quite some time now. Though I do have some new babies that are pretty fun to be with.) I know however, that, in some time, the dust will settle and you, Lillian and Jackie will create a great thing at the new Skin Essentials. I look forward to seeing it happen, as I will be one of Lillian's clients right alongside of you. Maybe I will even run into you before or after an appointment.
I would love to stay in personal contact with any of you who would like to hear about the new baby when he or she arrives. Though I won't be available as an esthetician, I will be available as a friend. Please don't hesitate to call if you would like to speak with me regarding this letter, or anything else. Also, I have a family blog where I post photos of our family. This is where you can find any baby news come hopefully early October. I would love for you to stop by. The address is:
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your part in making the last 5 years of my life so rewarding as an esthetician. It has been such an enriching and empowering experience. Thank you for the support you have offered me as I have embarked on the journey of motherhood. It has been wonderful to be surrounded by women and mothers who have gone before me and have had much wisdom and compassion to impart to me. Lastly, thank you for being my friend. You have taught a very quiet girl how to converse with others and to open up and be friends with different people from different places, something that was so difficult for me for so much of my early life. The pleasure has been mine.
With love,
Amber Lukas
198 Nevada Ave
Roseville, CA 95678
Thursday, July 15, 2010
It's Your Turn
Comment on this blog post with your answer. We want to hear from you.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
My Favorite Product by Amber Lukas

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Best of the Best 2010: Vote for us as your favorite Skin Care and Massage Therapist
You can vote by mail with the ballot in the newspaper, or vote online at:
Amber, Jackie and Lillian
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Facial Winner!
We appreciate all of those who have signed up to receive the blog updates. we look forward to offering other opportunities to win services and treatments in the future.
In the mean time, take good care of your skin, and let us know when we can help.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Put Away the Magnifying Mirror
I know this is a pitfall that many women face. For one reason or another, usually failing eyesight, we take out that little vision aid and get to work. The problem is that we almost always dwell on "flaws" that we find while looking at ourselves this way. Flaws that no one can see. Flaws that even your esthetician does not see until she gets out the mag lamp. Flaws that she usually ignores to some degree, because she sees them on everyone and knows that they are not flaws that should be worried about. Instead, she uses the mag lamp to see a short, yet bristly hair that she needs to grab a hold of with the tweezers. Or to make sure that she has the right position on a clogged pore before extracting it.
I have seen so many women decide that their whole face is too hairy, their normal sized pores are too big and their skin is just plain awful- all because they believe what the 7X or 10X tells them. How would we all feel if we could take a look at our skin under a microscope? I hope not exponentially worse!
So, today, after a couple of minutes of picking my face and concerning myself with tiny imperfections, I flipped the mirror around to the standard side, realized I was only creating a bigger problem in the form of welts and red spots and put away the magnifying mirror. I suggest you do the same.
(Of course, there is a necessity for the magnification in some circumstances. If you need help seeing hair to tweeze or to put your eye makeup on, by all means, use it. all you may need is a good waxing now and then to keep hair growth under control. Just remember not to dwell on the less important tiny blemishes that you see or to spend more time than it takes to get those pesky stray hairs. You'll do yourself a favor and feel better about yourself for it. If you feel you do have a "flaw" that needs fixing, ask you esthetician what she thinks. She is trained and ready to offer advice to help you deal with whatever skin problems you may have found in that mirror. )
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New Product Release: Ageless The MAX

"The MAX™ opens a new dimension in skin care. This revolutionary serum delivers unsurpassed preventive measures against the aging effects on the skin.3 phase product: CPN™ Systems by Image, Correction Prevention Nutrition."
"This revolutionary day and night serum rejuvenates your skin in a new dimension. The multi-layered technology of nutripeptides work synergistically to plump your skin while stem cell technology in an exclusive complex support natural defense mechanisms and repair cell damage. Dramatically reduces the appearance of fine lines due to facial expressions, wrinkles and other signs of aging. The unparalleled high concentration of effective ingredients will give you the MAXimum benefit." -Image Skincare website description
The MAX contains a complex combination of peptides, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory ingredients, vitamins and hydrators. To be used on any skin type and any age, it serves as a preventative measure against aging and damage as well as minimizing damage that has been done by promoting collagen production, repair of damaged cells and relaxation of wrinkles due to facial expressions. The MAX is an easy addition to your skin care regimen. Your esthetician can help you determine whether this product is right for you. Let her know if you have any questions about this or any other of our anti-aging products.
You may read more here:
Clear Up Ingrown Hairs

A couple of months ago, after the product was released, I decided to give them a try. since I am not having a current acne problem, I decided to try them somewhere else. What great results! My inflammation and redness diminished very quickly. Next to go were the ingrown hairs. Not to say that I don't still get a few, but they have become much less of a nuisance.
The Clear Cell Salicylic Clarifying Tonic can achieve similar results. It comes in a tube, so it is not as handy as the pads are. I love to be able to open the jar, grab a pad and swipe. These two products are also great for body acne. Any place those pesky bumps show up, a swipe will do a great amount of good.
How to use: After a shower, remove a pad from the jar and swipe over the affected area. If using the tonic, apply it to a cotton pad and swipe. Easy as that!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Spring Waxing Special

Full Face
Regular, Brazilian and anything in between
Full or Half
Feet and Toes
(included with full or lower leg wax)
Anything else you may want waxed, we can make it happen.
*Waxing service must be new to the client. May not be waxing service currently received by the client. May be any waxing service for clients new to Skin Essentials. Package must be purchased at the first service appointment. The three appointments must be 2 - 4 weeks apart. Offered through May 30, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Lighten Those Brown Spots
Tyrosinase is an enzyme in the skin that catalyzes the production of melanin in the skin when the DNA in the skin is damaged. This is triggered by UV radiation from the sun as the body's way of protecting itself. When the danger to to the skin is gone, the cells called melanocytes, retract the melanin back into themselves. This is how a tan fades. Over time, these melanocytes become damaged and tired. They are no longer able to distribute the melanin evenly. The melanin then gets stuck in the skin in the form of a brown spot.
There are many ingredients that can aid in reducing brown spots. Here are some of the most effective ingredients as well as the products that we recommend to help make your skin glow.
Rumex- Derived from the plant Western Dock, this botanical is a tyrosinase inhibitor. This means it blocks the action of the enzyme that produce melanin. Studies have shown that when Rumex is combined with Kojic Acid and Arbutin, as in IMAGE Ageless Total Skin Lightening Serum, it's effectiveness is greatly increased.
Mulberry, Kojic Acid, Bearberry, Licorice- Botanical skin lighteners
Arbutin- Derived from the bearberry plant, a tyrosinase inhibitor
Hydroquinone- A skin "bleaching" ingredient. This is the only ingredient proven to "bleach" the skin. As well as decreasing the production of melanin, hydroquinone increases the breakdown of current melanin in in the skin. It will not, however, cause unwanted white spots. Hydroquinone is most effective when used in conjunction with glycolic acid. It is also imperative to use sunscreen during use. It is recommended that hydoquinone be used for 3 months at a time, with a 3 month break between sessions. It is available in either 2% or 4% formulations. The 2% formulations are available over the counter 4% formulations are available by prescription or through your dermatologist.

These ingredients can be found in many commercial products. Image Skin Care provides two options for skin lightening. Ageless Skin Lightening Serum and Ageless Skin Bleaching Serum provide the right combinations of ingredients to combat unwanted brown spots. The Lightening Serum is a must for anyone wanting to prevent brown spots as well as those suffering from redness associated with inflammation and rosacea. The Bleaching Serum can provide the extra boost to those who have already begun to see an increase in brown spots. Used in conjunction with the proper skin care regimen, they can be even more effective than on their own.
When shopping for lightening products keep the above mentioned ingredients in mind. Many product claim to brighten and lighten, but may do so with light reflecting ingredients or some other cosmetic ingredient. This may not be bad, but it will not address the problem on a cellular level. Better yet, make it easy on yourself, and ask your esthetician what she recommends next time you are in.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Free Facial Contest Deadline Extended
Please view the details for contest here:
Good Luck!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
On April 30, one lucky reader, who has signed up for email updates, will be randomly chosen to receive a free facial (a $70 value). To enter, sign up to receive our blog updates via email in the box on the right side of the screen.
Refer a friend, who is not a current client to sign up, and receive $10 off your next service. Simply leave a comment to this post with your name and the name of the friend you referred.
(first names are sufficient)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Best Alternative Tan

Glamorous Tan offers a mobile service that conveniently comes to you in the comfort of your own home or business. We offer state-of-the-art HVLP equipment and world-class, paraben free, sunless tanning solutions that use all natural products with essential oils and healing ingredients. Our technicians are professionally trained, certified, and insured. Our method is superior to automated spray booths such as Mystic. We have a trained technician customize the color and application to meet your personal needs with a high quality odorless and alcohol free solution leaving you with a long lasting glow."
Sunscreen Know-How

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

As always, feel free to forward a link to our blog to anyone you think may be interested.
We look forward to seeing you and them!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sun Protection Imperative

Solar Defense Oil Free SPF15
Solar Defense Oil FreeSPF30
Solar Defense Creme SPF30
Solar Defense Organic SPF30 (this one is great for babies!)
Tinted Solar Defense Organic SPF30
Solar Defense Hand Creme SPF15
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
New Blog
Similar to the monthly newsletters from a year ago, this will be our way of keeping you informed of all that is happening at Skin Essentials fom specials and promotions to new products and services. We will also be providing articles and information through the blog in hopes that you will become even more informed about the importance of skin care than you already are. The skin care industry is making huge advances, and IMAGE Skincare is always working to be sure their products are full of the best proven ingredients. This will be one of the ways we can help you decipher what is best for your skin. There is a lot of false information and promises out there. We hope to make you a more informed shopper when it comes to skin care and beauty.
Please join us, and feel free to look around!
As always, we look forward to seeing you in person, and providing the essentials for you to feel pampered, beautiful and well.
Amber, Jackie and Lillian