Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sun Protection Imperative

As the weather gets warmer, we naturally want to go outside and enjoy the sun. This is a healthy activity for many reasons. It increases our activity level, we breathe the fresh air. the sun brightens our spirits and lightens our mood. It can also cause damage to our skin, if we do not protect ourselves. An SPF is imperative. Even when we plan to spend most of our day inside, the sun exposure we receive while driving our cars or taking a walk on our break at work is enough to warrant sunscreen. Applying an SPF of atleast 15, SPF 30 is even better, should be a part of every adult and child's morning routine. Did you know that most of the sun damage that causes aging, skin cancer and wrinkles happens before the age of 18? It might take years before it shows up, but much damage is being done during the younger years.

This is, of course, no excuse to slack off after 18. Isn't every ounce of prevention worth the effort, when you are looking at a future of fighting brown spots, wrinkles and possibly skin cancer? Incidental exposure to the sun will cause plenty of the unwanted signs of aging, there is no excuse to help it along by neglecting to protect yourself. No matter your age, put on your sunscreen.

It should not even need to be mentioned that tanning in an artificial tanning bed should be off limits. Much better options are available, if you just can not get the idea out of your head that tan looks healthier.

IMAGE Skincare has five options in sun protection for the face, as well as a hand creme with SPF:

Solar Defense Oil Free SPF15
Solar Defense Oil FreeSPF30
Solar Defense Creme SPF30
Solar Defense Organic SPF30 (this one is great for babies!)
Tinted Solar Defense Organic SPF30
Solar Defense Hand Creme SPF15

Talk to your Esthetician to find out which sunscreen is right for you.

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